Thursday, December 24

11 new colours on maryamsakeena


Have you ever heard about maryamsakeena collection, anyone ?.

An intant shawl with various shade of colours that will melt your heart. From bolt to soft-marsmellowing colours.

Alhamdulillah, we've been getting rave reviews on our latest instant collection (thank you love!!!), it's made from high quality of moss crepe that suitable in our country temperature, and the best part is no need to be ironing, and we're restocking more for you.

From now we're having our SALE which is you can get our shawl for discount-eva pricessss, 3 pieces for RM 100 (what??) because yeayyy because we love you.

Available at NailaNaureen beautique, Shah Alam and Online.

Thank you for reading

Wednesday, December 23

Ice cream in hot days


So how's your preparation for final exam so far, guys?

Me??? hmmm now I'm enjoying myself, rolling at my bed, and eating my ice cream which i bought it at cafe and write my blog bhahahaha . come onnnnnn i've been study all the times and mybe this is a time to take a nap or in my case, overly enjoyed my best ice cream in uni so far. imissmagnum

The feeling of crunch of chocolate layer at outside, bitting all the way through into creamy ice-cream inside.. fuhhh the perfect cure for hot days we have to go through these days.

Is this perfect for your hot and tired days?? 

yeayy or not?? 

Tuesday, December 22

yummy tummy


So I told my sister that I'm craving for her home-made popia nestum like I-want-it-now!!. I'm not really  in my mood to talk to my roomates because of I feels super sleepy  because of my history subject, paper due on next monday omg! 

And she really sent me this. her homemade-with-love popia nestum. awwww

The crush from the nestum inside made me alive. oh man its sooo crunchy i tell ya.. I finished half of the jar in one day hmmmm bhahahaha! calorieswho.

But still alhamdulillah thank you sis i love you.  

Fighting for your first time final! no more drama pleaseeee hehe

Monday, December 21

A Workout Routine


I went to the gym yesterday. Third time this year, I think… This is an Improvement, woot!!

To be at gym, I found out that I'm really hate of being hot and sweat. I don't find it cool. Come on! I already sweat much when I'd to walk for over 30 minutes for my classes. And of course I use the most common excuse to spent time for exercise; Ohh I can’t find the time!! As much as a good student I can be, I really don’t believe in not having enough time. But people always said to me, if you want something, you’ll make time for it.

That’s why I really knew that I was just pure lazy to go to the gym. Hehehe. But baby steps…baby steps…

Treadmills Time

So, I ran and jogged on the treadmill until the timer said 30 minutes. That’s enough, then. First day, I shouldn’t push it too much. Baby steps gaiss hehe. Plus, the people who just stepped in wouldn’t know I’ve only been there 30 minutes. Ohhh just remember how hard me to burn out my kilos in my diplomas time. Jogg everyday at lake for over one semester with wawa and mila and never realised that my size changed to M.. well that's pretty impressive right?. but now my size changed back to XL!  

Man, my life now is sosossosooo unhealthy. I studies all the time (blaa),  I eat maggi and fried food, I don’t drink as much water as I’d like to, I never get good sleep after being a full time engineering students. Oh new year is coming isn't? can I make a "gym time" as my new must-do-list-like-everyday-in-2016. bhahahahahaha

No Pain No Gain guysss.

Monday, December 14

my canoe camp at Tanjung Selangor


How have you been my dearies? How's your sunday by the way? Hope you had fun with your families and friends! mine was great alhamdulillah, my team and I spent our with canoe camp at tanjung selangor, pekan. just near by our uni heheheee but its okay nevermind since I never go there either. The actual camp actually not here but at Taman Negara, but Taman Negara is closed due to expected to heavy rains (monsun timur laut).*sedihhhh

but never mind, fun is everywhereeee gaissss theheheeeeeeeeee


yeahhhh btw oh my partner was a sweet and gentleman told yaa, he resist with my will to carried my own canoe, i meant come onnnnn that canoe not heavy at all just I felt pain when I'd to carried it before. and actually I carried it not more than a 2 minutes bhahahaha..and then he just ask his friend to carried it away from me alhamdulillah btw thank youuuuu. Peoples are kind actually just we never realised about it and never being thankful . I just remember when there's a time when i could not even lift up my heavy luggages at klia , a gentle man nearby then offered his help to transfer my luggages from a car to my stroller. 

Then we're having our delicious bbq time and a mini games. the games was hillarious babe seriously. pak arab beriyaa betul main heheheee.

delicious bbq by us

we got our prizesss

It was so lovely memories in my uni days that I could save it in my life.

thank you for reading

Thursday, December 10

Masalah Hati


Biasanya aku akan menulis bila masa aku ada masalah or dilema hati. Masalah hati aku kebanyakkan-nya tidak dapat dipublishkan di sini sebab macam complicated je hehehe. Dan sebab aku rasa menulis adalah something that can cured me instead sharing my problem dengan kawan kawan. 

Korang pernah tak rasa bila seolah olah ada waktu tu kita rasa tak boleh nak hadapi ujian dalam kehidupan ni, contohnya takde apa boleh dibuat dah dan tiada siapa kita boleh percayakan. Rasa lemas sangat dalam hidup tapi tak ada siapa yang boleh  membantu. waktu tu seolah olah kita tak boleh mara ke kehadapan, nak undur kebelakang apatah lagi. Rasa seolah olah dada terhimpit dan tersepit (berat nanang wehhh)

Waktu tu di depan mata hati hanya ada dua pilihan. Pertama, berpegang teguh, berharap dan meminta tolong dengan tuhan. mengadu hanya pada tuhan, sebab manusia kan dah tak boleh diharap. Pilihan kedua nih nauzubillah mohon dijauhkan, perlukah aku mengakhirinya dengan perasaan kecewa dan putus asa sahaja. Allah....

Bila mana aku rasa perasaan kedua tu cepat-cepat aku buka ikim kebetulan ikim ada tengah ada sesi Islam itu Indah oleh ustaz pahrol mohd juoi memang tengah cakap pasal masalah hati (pehh macam tau tau je kan, nampak tu tuhan nak bagi pertolongan dah dekat situ). Ustaz  ada cakap dalam ceramah, supaya cuba pesan berkali-kali dengan hati kita, pujuk dengan hati kita supaya ingatkan tuhan tidak uji lebih dari kemampuan kita untuk menghadapinya, walaupun susah dan walaupun dahsyat tapi ujian itu masih dalam kemampuan kita dan kita masih boleh memikul nya, cakap macam tu sebab Allah tidak akan sesekali memungkiri janjinya. Jika perlukan penyelesaian, percaya bahawa pertolongan allah pasti tiba. Dari segi psikologi manusia, keyakinan itulah akan tumbuh harapan.

Ustaz cakap waktu kita hilang harapan dengan hidup atau manusia waktu itulah pintu allah untuk membantu kita terbuka seluas-luasnya untuk kita cuma kita kena teruskan meminta dan merintih dengan tuhan. Apa yang semua ada di sebalik air mata kita percaya bahawa allah itu sentiasa ada dan dekat.

So to keep it short, this is keypoint yang dapat dari ustaz Pahrol;

Allah sedang memberitahu dengan datangnya masalah bahawa allah itu ada dan sentiasa dekat.

Keep hopes alive

Jangan berputus asa. Percaya pertolongan Allah pasti tiba dan pertolongan Allah dah dekat.

God is bigger than your problem. Ask for him. 


Mengadu lah pada Allah bukan pada manusia.

Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, November 29

My sweatest memories


Kalau tanya aku apa benda paling aku rindu. Aku jawab 3 tahun aku dekat pasir mas,  Kelantan.
Sampai ke hari ni aku ter tanya-tanya kenapa lah aku quit lepas habis pmr then sambung study dekat teknik..haa kannn dah jadi budak engineering. Kalau aku stay sana maybe aku sekarang graduate bidang bahasa ke atau syariah lols. i kidding..

Memang banyak pahit manis dia dekat sana. Tipu lah kalau semua nya manis manis madu kekeke. Mula mula aku masuk dulu, macam aku rasa duduk Thailand, ape benda entah "supit" lah "samah" la pastu banyak lagi benda yang aku alahai merapu gila weii

Aku pun macam tak percaya how I'm survived hidup sana padahal wehh baru umur 13 tahun. Waktu tu manaa laa ada hp nak whatsapp gossip bagai. Urusan sendiri pun settle sendiri. Urusan bank apatah lagi. Tapi bila pikirkan memang banyak hikmah umi ayah aku letak jauh jauh. Kalau tak mengade ngade je lebih (sekarang pun mengade) hihihi.

Dulu aku rapat gila dengan sorang membe ni, najihah. She's like my strenght sebab Ive got no one overthere.  Sebab dia lah aku quit mmpm pergi teknik. Padahal aku quit awal bulan 3 camtu sebab dia ni quit tak bagitahu aku. Katanya sedih nak bagitahu takut aku mengamuk nanti habis aku lempar kerusi meja satu sekolah k part baling tu tipu. Ye lah memang aku sedih lah. Kamceng kot. Padahal dia tak tahu aku punya sedih lagi kawww bila mana aku register kelas cari dia dah takde huhuu.. (hope ko baca ni eah)

Lagi apa yang aku rindu pasal sana eh.. Haaa aku rasa ikatan ukhuwah. Yang paling sweet dan seronok. Kakak senior paling lah aku sayang sebab YaAllah memang protect aku sungguh sungguh. Cikgu sana pun yaAllah caring sungguh kalau lah diizinkan boleh bertemu kembali..aku nak berterima kasih banyak banyak. Cikgu dekat sana umpama Ibu dan bapa. Aku teringat ingat senyuman dan keikhlasan diorang mengajar tak kira waktu contohnya waktu aku tanya soalan even aku xde lah pandai mana even though aku sesat dekat kelas pertama hiks. 

Haa kenapa lah aku tulis semua ni?? Dah macam karangan pun ada. Sebab Najihah nak kahwin dahhh. Less than 4 month. Allah cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Macam baru semalam aku kenal dengan eah, masih lagi hingusan budak sekolah. Dulu aku dating pun aku heret si najihah nih hehehe. Now bila whatsapp topik dah masuk bab matang sikit, kahwin lah, future lah, study lah. We're growing up. and never realised time flies. yeahhh aaaaaaaa aku pun tak tahu camana aku nak habiskan karangan aku nih kira kalau korang baca sampai habis korang memang power. 

Yang aku nak cakap sebenarnya dekat entry ni.....

"eah aku sayang ko"

K nak gi nangis jap. 


Thursday, November 19

loved one-my BFF


For a one week of my uni midterms hoolidayyy despite on being bored at home which is my routines was like a jobless and watching kpop dramas lols...I've decided to meet up few of my loved one like wawa. 

I hardly to see my Bff because all of us are occupied with family and work. except me who still study *sighh.. so I came to NN  which is my perfect hideaway for now and future hehehe. I felt so peace in here. because wa always welcomed me with her bright smiles. like always.

wa and i enjoyed our time so much, we're talking about our future, marriage (ehmmm me mybe in 4 years after graduate) , work things, girlstuff  I think you dont want to hear about this. hahaha omg and I can't believe that we've been grown up and she's going to get married soon aminn I'd pray soo hard that she will finally meets her other half and soul!. love you wa**tears  

I think wawa influence me lot of my decision in my life. Only god knows how she impacted my life in positive ways, teaching me to respect, gratitude and love all the same time. I think I talked lot of my problems to her. I always said that "studies is hard, why am i take an engineering god it was hard, i think i fail test, i dont like the boy because he always flart blablabla and blahblahblah never end complaining..." but wawa always calm me and say the positive things that finally I regretting how much I always felt that I always greedy and had say no thankful to Allah. 

wa, She's one of those people who will pray for you and not feel the need to flaunt it all over the town. She's one of those who consoles you on a hard day without you knowing that she's had an even worse day than you.

I miss you already


Dear bestfrind

 You really are a diamond in the rough. 
Kind to everyone even those who hurt you, strong as no one will ever know, 
and just downright amazing, 
people around you should know how lucky they are. 
I know I am of the lucky ones. 
I wish you nothing but happiness and barakah in this life,
and especially in the hereafter.

Thursday, October 29

Don't quit-Success waiting


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing ou down a bit,
Res, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many of failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out,

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuckit outl
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succed with another blow

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clounds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst 
that you must NOT QUIT

Credit to : ellezada

burst out crying while type this post.  

Monday, October 26

Flatlay Tragedy


Well gaiss I wanna to share my badfunnieh story while doing my flatlay today. Those who doesn't have an idea what's flatlay...... Seriously dude google it..and there's like a lot on my ig too..check it out hahaha

While I'm enjoying doing flatlay this morning.. It's soo much fun..who doesn't love taking a picture right? And suddenly couple of cockroaches approach me.. Me that time berdiri atas kerusi terus menggelupur dan jatuh.. Haha 😂😂😂 yeayy not funnyyy

Lucky me, I wasn't standing too high like usual me. Kalau tak mahu mahu masuk hospital kuantan.... But still alhamdulillah I'm safe but I hate cockroaches..

Like seriously!

Saturday, October 24

I'm dissapointed

Assalamualaikum and hi!

This is just a random post. Now I'm typing this through my phone because my lappy....emm..he's not feeling well sobobsob I can't opened him I don't know why.

I want to share about my bad experience about hired a I think professional photographer cause yeah in my baby brand beautiful and clear pics something like compulsory lah kan. If we want to create better image of our brand so we have to give a perfect details, like beautiful pic for example.

I paid him for RM 250/hour for one session. Not including the time to get change. Plus total tudung 11 color. Instant lagi tu. Oh not to mention the cost for makeup artist and transportation. Cost me around rm 400 lebih kurang. I'm a student. RM 400 tu pun pikir banyak kali tau..sedih. yelah bukan dari orang senang boleh minta sesuka hati dengan parents.

So I expect lah dia professional if he's having something yang tak betul ke, I mentioned to him like a thousand times "gambar okay take,  lemme see it" he's like "don't worry gambar cantik, pandai model posing and stuff, hurry get change".

         And the session end

After 3weeks I'm the only one who keeps reminding him and asking him about the pics. 3weeks too long gais. I'm the one who hardly to speak roughly to others, and I said I'm dissapointed with him. And tomorrow night he sent me pics through dropbox.

You gues whatttt.... The pics totally disappointed meee...i don't know how to described my feelings. The pics like a biasa biasa not really gah macam dekat ig dia. I just wonder it is true that it's reallyyyy his masterpiece???

             I'm wonder

Friday, October 23



Exam is just around the corner! I don't know if ive been prepare for my exam because now im writing in here despited doing my calculus.. still feeling bored with same schedule in here hahahaha.. you know like classes, assignments, projects and stuffs *nangis

Lets go to main point, you know, in here we're far from town, bandar kuantan. I think it takes like 40 minutes driving a car. and there's no cool stuffs in here, at first i feels kinda weird because pekan was our prime minister birth-places kot but the almost of facalities in here not-so-really impresivessssss to me.... shhhh...don't talk to others aboutr this

I just hoped that the uni will built one new and cool places in here to chillin', while doing assignments....something like a mini coffee places with a great internet connection and perfect scerenery to take an ootd...something like ruang emmmm.??  is this too much??

I think im now kinda addicted to coffee, i love the mocha like seriously i love it. i love the tastes of the mocha type *forgot the name from starbuck , it feels nice and refreshing. but not now because of boikot plus i don't even know where the starbuck in here..

and now im bored


Thursday, October 22

Dear Friends


Now I'm sitting at my lazy couch, just back from my classes yeayy..lately people (my dearies friends) keep asking me how to be motivated? how to keep positive, she or he always have like a first impression towards others people which is always bad thaught. I don't know why they've been asking me that type of question.. 

But, In my opinion

First and foremost is always keep positive.  

  Yesss I have my own issues, everyone does, but there are so many things in life to be thankful for. ins't??? Despite of having fast-paced and sometimes tiring days, my life is still really wonderful and I wouldn’t trade it with anyone’s. Just think the meaningful things happens for you in a day or mybe past even the smaller one. Just think of anything! like your work was stressful but lunch was really good, you've bought a new handbag last week, your son cooked a meal for you. anything! and of course, the positives have to outweigh the negatives, so three good vs one bad. Pretty soon, you will start to pick up the little happy things in your daily life and realise that the bads are never that bad.

Second things

Never comparing your life with others  especially those portrayed on social media, that they forget to just focus on their lives and really open their eyes to the beauty that God has given them. Look around and tell me there isn’t one thing in your life that you’re grateful for! Whether it be your children, or good health, or your wonderful husband, or having a job to pay the bills or just simply having a roof over your head, always remember that there are people worse off and that we are very very lucky. And I hope you are saying Alhamdulillah for everything too. Never compare your life to someone else’s because God has different paths set out for each and every one of us. At the end of the day, we’re all meeting at the same point.

Allah SWT has given us life, the life we're living, and is it 'nice' of us if we wished we can have another person's life?

Be grateful, that's all it takes.


Monday, October 5

Embarassing day


I know I should be sleeping right now, since i have to wake up to study for my test tomorrow. omg got test for tomorrow! but i think i should probably throwback huge accident petang tadi. lol

So, biasanya hari isnin hari relax lah juga because i just got 2 classes. Calculus dan softskills dan biasanya pukul 1 dah habis dan dah balik bilik untuk zohor dan take a nap. lah sangat. and I woke up at 3pm..tadaaaaaa... 

Apa lagi kemain rushing solat zohor dan breaklunch pun belum lagi. Kebetulan setiap hari isnin dekat ump ada mini-bazaar untuk student. So setiap hari isnin lah hari boleh merasa macam-macam makanan, Cheat-day lah katakan bhahahaha

aku dengan konfident siap pakai lense dan bedak pergi ke bazaar...tapi dekat bazaar aku macam hairan lah kenapa lah student2 ni,tak kira lelaki or perempuan toleh sekali dekat aku lepas tu toleh lagi sekali lepas tu toleh bisik-bisik, senyum senyum hahaha .. aku pun buat bodoh je lah alaaa bukan tebal pun bedak aku pakai ke diorang nak usha aku...hehehee

otw balik beli makanan , aku selisih senior ni, perempuan, dari jauh dia usha aku kemain lagi, bukan muka aku tapi usha baju aku..aku pun baru terpikir nak pandang baju....thennnnnnn bila aku tengok je baju aku, Ya Allah baju aku pakai terbalikkkkkkkk...memang nampak gila terbalik kott.....aku pun gagah melintas juga depan dia nasib tak buat-buat pengsan tapi bila part nak naik tangga bilik lutut aku dah lemah..... Dunia rasa kelam.. malu pun rasa tak tahu nak letak dekat mana..*sebakkkk

Sampai bilik aku menyumpah dengan diri sendiri

Sunday, October 4

Let's not fall in love

haa cliche tak tajuk? malam ni nak tulis something yang jarang untuk aku luahkan di media sosial, facebook memang tak lah. blogger more private. I keep it only for myself. Lagipun siapa lah yang baca blog aku pun. nadaaa
My darls texted me, she's like one of my real sister sebab dah lama kenal, since sekolah Kelantan. kitaorang ni outsider (bukan dari Kelantan) so we became close, better than anyone. This not-so-important thing haunted me for a long time.  As she's from Kelantan tetibe she's remind me of HIM. Honest to speak I got this one-sided relationship, I think for over seven years old. means dari aku 16 until now aku masih suka dia eventho I'm that time in relationship lol. At that time, I adore him, too much, but this kinda adored feeling turn to love. Serious talk. Imagined, for over 7 years ive been loss contact almost with everybody, but not him. sadis gila. 
Like a song lyrics, ....." What you get when you fall in love? a guy with a pin, to burst your bubble. That's what you get for all your troubles...I'll never fall in love again...." 
I don't know why my heart is broken now padahal dah lama kan. Mybe I'm expecting something from him. Since he finished his studies and just back from london. I don't know. and I think further my study like an option lah untuk faces reality and mybe build me a new one. Change a new environment, friends, places is something that honestly quite hard for me. 
But, I think my life still have a long-long-long journey. Now, just focus for my bachelor 

Friday, October 2

When your parents not around

rajin tak aku hari ni????wowottt... Two post in a day was something unusual for me. Last time I wrote double post was like...emm 3 years ago if I'm not mistaken..
We've been received this picture from my family group of whatsapp.
That the reason whyyyyyyyy 

hahahaha! whattttt????

As  he's now stay with my brother, Han whos in his semester break. Because my dad and mom both at Vietnam right now. I can tell you that amat, he's really really really really hyperactive boy and he loved to watch this "American Ninjas Warrior" on tv and then he like to copies all the jump whatsoever that make us freakout you know.

 I called my bro and talked to amat and youguesswhat, he's just laughing and telling he's doing his rountine, 'pako' and got hurt. Lucky, he's not seriously injured. alhamdulillah..


Goodnight peeps

Its Friday finally


Salam jumaat semua

Ya Allah cepat rasanya dah masuk jumaat. Sebab sebenarnya masih terasa lagi nikmatnya duduk di kampung minggu lepas. Beraya sama sama dengan keluarga dan kawan-kawan ..alaaa taknak lah stress..jadi disebabkan hari kelas cuma satu je, pukul 10 tadi jadi petang ni sangat-sangat lah free. sambil update belog, sambil rasa angin pantai uolss.. dapat pula bilik level 2, memang kelasss sangat tiupan angin tu..

So, disebabkan aku adalah newcomer dekat kawasan pekan ni, so aku tak tahu apakah tarikan di kawasan ni. Yang aku tahu ada pantai, dekat pula dengan bandar kuantan. Seriously yang lain aku tak tahu, so........anyone here know well about pekan or kuantan can you please tell me pleasee, ada coffee place or cafe yang cool cool tak? I'm really interested that kind of with my darls planning to out from ump and seek around, hey we already got a car but don't know where to gooooo....hehehe....

Monday, September 28

Happy Eid Adha!


Outfit :

Scarf: maryamsakeena
Jubah: Losralavelda

Happy Eid-Adha my lovelies!  eventhou it's kind of late wished hehe
It is indeed a special day or all us Muslims seeing that Eid ul Adha brings so much meaning to each and every one of us. The day itself existed in the remembrance of the tale of Nabi Ibrahim (as) was to slaughter his own child. Nabi Ismail(as) as a proof of his Taqwa and iman to Allah swt. It shows that no attachment in this world should come between you and the Almighty.

Have a great day!

Sunday, September 20

New life as an engineering student

Hi ! my beautiful readers . How are you ? I've been gone for so long long time. #awkwardfaces. 
Kira malam ni semangat nak menulis walaupun tahu belog bukannya ada isi ilmiah kan..dah la berkepam ekekeke. Tapi kira bermulanya hidup baru aku as a student. Hari khamis lepas alhamdulillah aku bergelar pelajar sarjana muda kejuruteraan (mekanikal pembuatan) di Ump, pekan pada usia 23tahun (I knew most of my friends already graduated hehehe) 
As a newbie, of course lah rasa nervous lain macam sebab dah tinggal belajar hampir 3 tahun kot. Rasa macam beku tak cair-cair kepalaotak aku bila aku masuk kelas pertama aku kekeke..rasa segan pun ada sebab majoriti kawan-kawan kelas bawah umur aku..budak matrik kan, umur 18, 19 tahun. kira pangkat adik adik la (terasa ketuaan aku disini) ngeee

Ump ni sebenarnya ada dua kampus la kiranya. Satu di Gambang, lagi satu dekat Pekan. Dekat Pekan kira hanya untuk pelajar Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Pembuatan dan Elektrik, elektronik...adik-adik yang dapat dan bakal mendaftar jangan salah tempat pula sebab seriously sebab waktu aku mendaftar hari tu ramai yang tersalah tempat. Kira dia supposed pergi Gambang tapi dia pergi Pekan punya and vise-versa. Kasihan lah sebab Gambang-Pekan bukan dekat dik oiiii mahu sejam perjalanan plus kampus pekan terletak area pedalaman kot, akan lalu jalan kampung dan 40 minit dari Kuantan la cerita dia.
So, kawan-kawan doakan aku dalam mencari ilmu di sini. Harap lah aku tak mudah putus asa dalam membina kehidupan dan mencari pengetahuan disini. Doakan aku menjadi insan yang berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Doakan aku dapat jadi 'engineer' yang dapat memberi manfaat pada masyarakat yang memerlukan. amin
Thanks for reading!

Pssttt nanti jangan lupa jengok catalogue shawl maryamsakeena. Instagram just type @maryamsakeena. Untuk raya aidiladha akan datang kami buat sale tau.

Monday, May 25

Shoes Issues

Assalamualaikum sisters!

This is a short post.

Since I'm working in Industrial area, which is hazard is everywhere and the term of Safety First is important.  That means by wearing overweight safety boots is something that compulsary that can make an accidents less happened haha.. but the prob was I've always had some issues with my safety boot that actually can hurt me in a whole day. 

Accidents happens to me okkkkk. There were always a time, most of it (hehe) when I'm running out late to work, I'll accidentally sprained my ankle and fell infront of foreigner worker. Sakit ooo sobsobsob...I always have a shoes issues yang jujurnya the reason why I don't wear any heels since I'm only feels comfort with flat only. cemon kasut pun aku tersadung apatah lagi heels.. hahahah Tapikan kenapa orang lain pakai heels nampak cantik dan selesa???

My kind of safetyboot

Thanks for reading. Bye!

Monday, April 27

My baby brand

Surprising I'm writing now oh yeahh.... How are you guys so far? My followers?? Krik krikk krik
I can't believe I'm still sitting on my chair, 4. 25 am at sunday like you got no life working on weekend boooo.. Alhamdulillah I'm doing well eventhough not everything I've planned before going smoothly. well this is life right ? 

Here my real story.

Since I'm working person but my monthly paid doesn't went well to me , RM 2000 for fresh graduates I need to pay everything on my own, car, houses,  debts, self insurance etc etc oh that's including my patients on doing shopping . Girls love to shop right?? Sob sob sob
So I've decided to work on part time like..... emmmm selling a scarf because I adore scarf too much. There's a local scarf that basically plain but totally in and hit like crazy on our community like duckscarves and tudungpeople  etc

It takes a long month before everything it going online. Because it's my first time ever. I don't even know how to search a better fabrics supplier, good quality of tailor, good means great services with a A+ quality of tailoring hahhhaha come on I'm working remember ? 

So here it is my online brand name;


Do follow us! Hhahaha
I promised I will put a better pictures next time since the connection now soo poor I can't even download the picture

Its already 5 am omaigoddd lamanya aku menulis 


Wednesday, January 7

Talk The Founder

Mood : Currently out-to-date post

It's a really long time since my last posts hehe. Nervous tau since dah lama tak log-in blog, terlupa password bagai but still alhamdullilah. So, welcome to 2015 yeayyy!! how's your 2014? is your 2014 full of joyous , happiness, unforgetabble memories ? okay booringgg, tak tau nak tulis apa dah hahhaha. 

So here my azam baru untuk tahun 2015,

  1. Never cheated on my on-going-well atkins diet. hahahaha
  2. Keep motivated , cheers, istiqamah dalam ibadah dan pekerjaan.
  3. I was planning to further my studies this year, pray for me.
  4. Mybeee getting married lol
  5. Opening my own brand/bussiness . This is supposed to be my number one on lists. But, here's a good news.  I nak ajak uolls join talkThe Founder by Adeblake. You know who the director of the Adeblake, he was the director of the Bella Ammara, Pudore, and many more too! Kenal kan???  I rasa macam newbie rugi tak follow talk ni, sebab carlsamsudin bukan bawa seorang online enterprenuer yang jootawan tau. Ada Tudung people, Sucarscarf, Rico Rinaldi, neelofa brand too.. I is excited. see you there!

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...