Monday, May 25

Shoes Issues

Assalamualaikum sisters!

This is a short post.

Since I'm working in Industrial area, which is hazard is everywhere and the term of Safety First is important.  That means by wearing overweight safety boots is something that compulsary that can make an accidents less happened haha.. but the prob was I've always had some issues with my safety boot that actually can hurt me in a whole day. 

Accidents happens to me okkkkk. There were always a time, most of it (hehe) when I'm running out late to work, I'll accidentally sprained my ankle and fell infront of foreigner worker. Sakit ooo sobsobsob...I always have a shoes issues yang jujurnya the reason why I don't wear any heels since I'm only feels comfort with flat only. cemon kasut pun aku tersadung apatah lagi heels.. hahahah Tapikan kenapa orang lain pakai heels nampak cantik dan selesa???

My kind of safetyboot

Thanks for reading. Bye!

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