Monday, April 24

Thought : Unrequited Love

Sometimes you find yourself trying to let go of something
But it's like you have been swimming in the ocean
For a very very long time
And you feel like you belong there
You are one with the waves
The warmth of the water
And your body moves in sync with the ocean
And you swim around just trying to stay afloat
Then you get tired and you start to drown
And you swim back to land

When you get there you just feel so heavy
Because you lost touch with gravity for so long
And you collapse on the beach
As you try to find balance again
And then your feet finds gravity
You stand up and you look at the horizon one last time

And just know that no matter how beautiful the sea was
And how good it made you feel it was never yours for you to keep
And someday's you will miss it, you know
And you feel yourself moving with the waves
And you dream of diving in
Then you realize your feet was meant for land
And not cut out for the ocean
Maybe you're meant to climb trees
Or hike hills or just run really fast

Letting go is not easy
There is nothing quite like swimming in the ocean
Just like how it's natural for your feet to find gravity
It's natural for you to let go
And find your true purpose in life again
The sea is the sea
And you are just you

I have to let go
But sometimes I find myself waking up at the beach again.

Only when I look into your eyes
My senses ignite 
I feel life
I was waiting for an answer
Like a feather falling
From the sky

You don't want to belong to me
Cause freedom feels better
Than I could give
You love inadequetely
But you steal hearts like mine


Why you gotta be
Why you gotta be my unrequited love
Why can't our love be

For as long as I can remember
Like oil and water we collide
But you don't seem to want forever
This adventure was only real to my eyes

You don't want to listen to me
Cause freedom sounds better
Than I can sing
You love inadequetely
You steal hearts like mine perfectly

Saturday, April 15

Thought: Don't compare, live a life and be thankful

Aku melihat hidup orang lain begitu nikmat,
Ternyata ia hanya menutupi kekurangannya tanpa berkeluh kesah.
Aku melihat hidup teman-temanku tak ada duka dan kepedihan, ternyata ia hanya pandai menutupi dengan mensyukuri.

Aku melihat hidup saudaraku tenang tanpa ujian,
Ternyata ia begitu menikmati badai hujan dalam kehidupannya.
Aku melihat hidup sahabatku begitu sempurna,
Ternyata ia hanya berbahagia menjadi apa adanya.
Aku melihat hidup tetanggaku beruntung,
Ternyata ia selalu tunduk pada Allah untuk bergantung.
Setiap hari aku belajar memahami setiap hidup orang yang aku temui..Ternyata aku yang kurang mensyukuri nikmatMu.
Bahawa di belahan dunia lain masih ada yang belum seberuntung yang aku miliki saat ini…
Dan satu hal yang aku ketahui, bahwa Allahu Rabbi tak pernah mengurangi ketetapanNya.Hanya aku
yang masih mengkufuri nikmat suratan Ilahi…
Maka aku merasa tidak perlu iri hati dengan rezeki orang lain.. Mungkin aku tak tahu dimana rezekiku.Tapi rezekiku tahu dimana diriku.
Amatlah keliru bila bertawakkal rezeki dimaknai dari hasil bekerja..Kerana bekerja itu adalah ibadah, sedang rezeki itu urusan-Nya..
Manusia membanting tulang, demi angka simpanan gaji, yang mungkin esok akan ditinggal mati.. Mereka lupa bahwa hakikat rezeki bukan apa yang tertulis dalam angka, tapi apa yang telah dinikmatinya..
Rezeki tak selalu terletak pada pekerjaan kita, Allah menaruh sekehendak-Nya.
Halalnya saja dihisab..dan haramnya diadzab.Maka, aku tidak boleh merasa iri pada rezeki orang lain.. Bila aku iri pada rezeki orang, sudah seharusnya juga iri pada takdir kematiannya…. Astaghfirullah…


I found this long reminder post on Irine nadia facebook. 


Please please don't ever lived most of your life by comparing yourself to others. Because the truth is, comparisons are always unfair. People's are different and unique. We each have our own gifts, talents and 'rizqi' that Allah already given to us.

Remember that nobody is perfect. Because nowaday, we live in a society that give perfectionist always be their number one perriority. For instance, I always read comments on instagram picture, you-know-insta-famous. There were huge comments saying like feeling insecure with their beauty, why cant they be pretty like em'. Why would you feels insecure with your own look my dear?? she's beautiful, you are beautiful, and everybody is beautiful in and out.

Remeber, don't compare, live a life and be thankful :)

Getting fits

Assalamualaikum loveliess!

It's already April means I still have 9 month to achieve one of my 2017 resolutions. It's to lose my weight and getting fits!. For me, I still have a long and challeging weight lose journey that I can never see the end.

To be honest, I realised that I never once go exercise or jogg without having a partner. That's a main reason why I decided to join tbl (read it in my previous post) which is I fully dedicated my evening that suppose-to-be-my-napping-time to go out and exercise with my partner.

I slowly put my interest to join any UMP's running event.  It wasnt an easy step for beginner of course. It's soo challenge that requires a fitness and preparation. At my first event as I remember, I can only jogg for 5 minutes to 10 minutes then semput la pulaa thehehehe . But the real feeling when you reach your finish line was soo damn good. To be honest, I feels proud of myself eventho I'm the last one who reached the end point hahahahahahaha

Here's some tips I can share for you guys, for beginner. It doesnt mean that I'm now good in running. I'm not! but believe me these tips actually work for me :P

1) Set your goals and do pre-training

Because goals give you target to finish what you do. And pre-training helps you to gain your stamina and mental and physically prepared.. nahhh even you dont have a time to do it everyday just save your 2 to3 days in a week to train. Do a lots of cardio's. Jogging for instance.

2) Run with your bestfriend/ boyfriend / girlfriend etc

hahahaha actually this is work for me. This is like moral support for me. I'm lucky because my darls always give their support for me. They shouted "come on nana you can do it" and even waited for me to finish my run.

3) Choose a suitable suits and shoes

This is depends. For every events actually they provides you with short sleeve T shirt. For me, a girl who wearing a hijab of course need to choose the right materials. For inner Tshirt, make sure to choose thick materials, and wear hijab that give you most comfort. Bawal material is the best kot :) and choose the right and comfortable running shoes okay dear. Try to be minimal so that you can run at ease.

4) If you cant run, walk faster

Yes, like I said I can't run continuosly like in 30 minutes non-stop ( how I wish) but I couldnt mybe for now. It's okay my dear, run and if you couldnt then take a huge breath (not break lol) and keep walk in faster ways. My friends taugh me how to do a right breathing. Its like you have to take a deep breath then breath out in 2 short breath. camtu laa tak pandai explain sobsob mybe I should do a short videos later.

My darls, missing Dhia

Till next time!

Thank you for reading 

Tuesday, April 4

dad without mom

As I write this, I'm laying here writing this on very comfort bed with my mum and pillow on the neck while watching a late movie and eating pizza's we ordered together. #relationshipgoals.  Mom and I had this unplanned mother-daughter trip to Port Dickson since I got a free hotel room voucher and the date that I choose was my mom's birthday. Dad is welcome to follow but he cant since he had an important board meeting tomorrow morning.

I remember the time years ago when we (mom and the kids) were never sleeping away from dad. When dad having a "seminar" or 3 days 1 night board meeting for instance, we used to follow dad to hotel (room is provided to dad) and we slept together in room. Imagine mom with 8 kids staying silently in sometimes-ceo-room-most-of-the-time-deluxe room hahahahahaha.

Oh back to my story. #giggles

Eventho it was just for one night but it was memoriable night for me. I spent my night with mom, watching movies together, eating late dinner, listening to her stories, giving my opinion, and vise versa.  Being the oldest, infact, I've always been the ear for my mom but now I'm staying away, far from home and sometimes life is getting more challenging now, giving me a hard time to always update life and spent time with my parents.

And the thing is.....

dad cant sleep without his wife lol

lol well dad, it's just for one night. chill okay?

Thank you for reading!

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...