Thursday, December 24

11 new colours on maryamsakeena


Have you ever heard about maryamsakeena collection, anyone ?.

An intant shawl with various shade of colours that will melt your heart. From bolt to soft-marsmellowing colours.

Alhamdulillah, we've been getting rave reviews on our latest instant collection (thank you love!!!), it's made from high quality of moss crepe that suitable in our country temperature, and the best part is no need to be ironing, and we're restocking more for you.

From now we're having our SALE which is you can get our shawl for discount-eva pricessss, 3 pieces for RM 100 (what??) because yeayyy because we love you.

Available at NailaNaureen beautique, Shah Alam and Online.

Thank you for reading

Wednesday, December 23

Ice cream in hot days


So how's your preparation for final exam so far, guys?

Me??? hmmm now I'm enjoying myself, rolling at my bed, and eating my ice cream which i bought it at cafe and write my blog bhahahaha . come onnnnnn i've been study all the times and mybe this is a time to take a nap or in my case, overly enjoyed my best ice cream in uni so far. imissmagnum

The feeling of crunch of chocolate layer at outside, bitting all the way through into creamy ice-cream inside.. fuhhh the perfect cure for hot days we have to go through these days.

Is this perfect for your hot and tired days?? 

yeayy or not?? 

Tuesday, December 22

yummy tummy


So I told my sister that I'm craving for her home-made popia nestum like I-want-it-now!!. I'm not really  in my mood to talk to my roomates because of I feels super sleepy  because of my history subject, paper due on next monday omg! 

And she really sent me this. her homemade-with-love popia nestum. awwww

The crush from the nestum inside made me alive. oh man its sooo crunchy i tell ya.. I finished half of the jar in one day hmmmm bhahahaha! calorieswho.

But still alhamdulillah thank you sis i love you.  

Fighting for your first time final! no more drama pleaseeee hehe

Monday, December 21

A Workout Routine


I went to the gym yesterday. Third time this year, I think… This is an Improvement, woot!!

To be at gym, I found out that I'm really hate of being hot and sweat. I don't find it cool. Come on! I already sweat much when I'd to walk for over 30 minutes for my classes. And of course I use the most common excuse to spent time for exercise; Ohh I can’t find the time!! As much as a good student I can be, I really don’t believe in not having enough time. But people always said to me, if you want something, you’ll make time for it.

That’s why I really knew that I was just pure lazy to go to the gym. Hehehe. But baby steps…baby steps…

Treadmills Time

So, I ran and jogged on the treadmill until the timer said 30 minutes. That’s enough, then. First day, I shouldn’t push it too much. Baby steps gaiss hehe. Plus, the people who just stepped in wouldn’t know I’ve only been there 30 minutes. Ohhh just remember how hard me to burn out my kilos in my diplomas time. Jogg everyday at lake for over one semester with wawa and mila and never realised that my size changed to M.. well that's pretty impressive right?. but now my size changed back to XL!  

Man, my life now is sosossosooo unhealthy. I studies all the time (blaa),  I eat maggi and fried food, I don’t drink as much water as I’d like to, I never get good sleep after being a full time engineering students. Oh new year is coming isn't? can I make a "gym time" as my new must-do-list-like-everyday-in-2016. bhahahahahaha

No Pain No Gain guysss.

Monday, December 14

my canoe camp at Tanjung Selangor


How have you been my dearies? How's your sunday by the way? Hope you had fun with your families and friends! mine was great alhamdulillah, my team and I spent our with canoe camp at tanjung selangor, pekan. just near by our uni heheheee but its okay nevermind since I never go there either. The actual camp actually not here but at Taman Negara, but Taman Negara is closed due to expected to heavy rains (monsun timur laut).*sedihhhh

but never mind, fun is everywhereeee gaissss theheheeeeeeeeee


yeahhhh btw oh my partner was a sweet and gentleman told yaa, he resist with my will to carried my own canoe, i meant come onnnnn that canoe not heavy at all just I felt pain when I'd to carried it before. and actually I carried it not more than a 2 minutes bhahahaha..and then he just ask his friend to carried it away from me alhamdulillah btw thank youuuuu. Peoples are kind actually just we never realised about it and never being thankful . I just remember when there's a time when i could not even lift up my heavy luggages at klia , a gentle man nearby then offered his help to transfer my luggages from a car to my stroller. 

Then we're having our delicious bbq time and a mini games. the games was hillarious babe seriously. pak arab beriyaa betul main heheheee.

delicious bbq by us

we got our prizesss

It was so lovely memories in my uni days that I could save it in my life.

thank you for reading

Thursday, December 10

Masalah Hati


Biasanya aku akan menulis bila masa aku ada masalah or dilema hati. Masalah hati aku kebanyakkan-nya tidak dapat dipublishkan di sini sebab macam complicated je hehehe. Dan sebab aku rasa menulis adalah something that can cured me instead sharing my problem dengan kawan kawan. 

Korang pernah tak rasa bila seolah olah ada waktu tu kita rasa tak boleh nak hadapi ujian dalam kehidupan ni, contohnya takde apa boleh dibuat dah dan tiada siapa kita boleh percayakan. Rasa lemas sangat dalam hidup tapi tak ada siapa yang boleh  membantu. waktu tu seolah olah kita tak boleh mara ke kehadapan, nak undur kebelakang apatah lagi. Rasa seolah olah dada terhimpit dan tersepit (berat nanang wehhh)

Waktu tu di depan mata hati hanya ada dua pilihan. Pertama, berpegang teguh, berharap dan meminta tolong dengan tuhan. mengadu hanya pada tuhan, sebab manusia kan dah tak boleh diharap. Pilihan kedua nih nauzubillah mohon dijauhkan, perlukah aku mengakhirinya dengan perasaan kecewa dan putus asa sahaja. Allah....

Bila mana aku rasa perasaan kedua tu cepat-cepat aku buka ikim kebetulan ikim ada tengah ada sesi Islam itu Indah oleh ustaz pahrol mohd juoi memang tengah cakap pasal masalah hati (pehh macam tau tau je kan, nampak tu tuhan nak bagi pertolongan dah dekat situ). Ustaz  ada cakap dalam ceramah, supaya cuba pesan berkali-kali dengan hati kita, pujuk dengan hati kita supaya ingatkan tuhan tidak uji lebih dari kemampuan kita untuk menghadapinya, walaupun susah dan walaupun dahsyat tapi ujian itu masih dalam kemampuan kita dan kita masih boleh memikul nya, cakap macam tu sebab Allah tidak akan sesekali memungkiri janjinya. Jika perlukan penyelesaian, percaya bahawa pertolongan allah pasti tiba. Dari segi psikologi manusia, keyakinan itulah akan tumbuh harapan.

Ustaz cakap waktu kita hilang harapan dengan hidup atau manusia waktu itulah pintu allah untuk membantu kita terbuka seluas-luasnya untuk kita cuma kita kena teruskan meminta dan merintih dengan tuhan. Apa yang semua ada di sebalik air mata kita percaya bahawa allah itu sentiasa ada dan dekat.

So to keep it short, this is keypoint yang dapat dari ustaz Pahrol;

Allah sedang memberitahu dengan datangnya masalah bahawa allah itu ada dan sentiasa dekat.

Keep hopes alive

Jangan berputus asa. Percaya pertolongan Allah pasti tiba dan pertolongan Allah dah dekat.

God is bigger than your problem. Ask for him. 


Mengadu lah pada Allah bukan pada manusia.

Thanks for reading :)

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...