Sunday, November 29

My sweatest memories


Kalau tanya aku apa benda paling aku rindu. Aku jawab 3 tahun aku dekat pasir mas,  Kelantan.
Sampai ke hari ni aku ter tanya-tanya kenapa lah aku quit lepas habis pmr then sambung study dekat teknik..haa kannn dah jadi budak engineering. Kalau aku stay sana maybe aku sekarang graduate bidang bahasa ke atau syariah lols. i kidding..

Memang banyak pahit manis dia dekat sana. Tipu lah kalau semua nya manis manis madu kekeke. Mula mula aku masuk dulu, macam aku rasa duduk Thailand, ape benda entah "supit" lah "samah" la pastu banyak lagi benda yang aku alahai merapu gila weii

Aku pun macam tak percaya how I'm survived hidup sana padahal wehh baru umur 13 tahun. Waktu tu manaa laa ada hp nak whatsapp gossip bagai. Urusan sendiri pun settle sendiri. Urusan bank apatah lagi. Tapi bila pikirkan memang banyak hikmah umi ayah aku letak jauh jauh. Kalau tak mengade ngade je lebih (sekarang pun mengade) hihihi.

Dulu aku rapat gila dengan sorang membe ni, najihah. She's like my strenght sebab Ive got no one overthere.  Sebab dia lah aku quit mmpm pergi teknik. Padahal aku quit awal bulan 3 camtu sebab dia ni quit tak bagitahu aku. Katanya sedih nak bagitahu takut aku mengamuk nanti habis aku lempar kerusi meja satu sekolah k part baling tu tipu. Ye lah memang aku sedih lah. Kamceng kot. Padahal dia tak tahu aku punya sedih lagi kawww bila mana aku register kelas cari dia dah takde huhuu.. (hope ko baca ni eah)

Lagi apa yang aku rindu pasal sana eh.. Haaa aku rasa ikatan ukhuwah. Yang paling sweet dan seronok. Kakak senior paling lah aku sayang sebab YaAllah memang protect aku sungguh sungguh. Cikgu sana pun yaAllah caring sungguh kalau lah diizinkan boleh bertemu kembali..aku nak berterima kasih banyak banyak. Cikgu dekat sana umpama Ibu dan bapa. Aku teringat ingat senyuman dan keikhlasan diorang mengajar tak kira waktu contohnya waktu aku tanya soalan even aku xde lah pandai mana even though aku sesat dekat kelas pertama hiks. 

Haa kenapa lah aku tulis semua ni?? Dah macam karangan pun ada. Sebab Najihah nak kahwin dahhh. Less than 4 month. Allah cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Macam baru semalam aku kenal dengan eah, masih lagi hingusan budak sekolah. Dulu aku dating pun aku heret si najihah nih hehehe. Now bila whatsapp topik dah masuk bab matang sikit, kahwin lah, future lah, study lah. We're growing up. and never realised time flies. yeahhh aaaaaaaa aku pun tak tahu camana aku nak habiskan karangan aku nih kira kalau korang baca sampai habis korang memang power. 

Yang aku nak cakap sebenarnya dekat entry ni.....

"eah aku sayang ko"

K nak gi nangis jap. 


Thursday, November 19

loved one-my BFF


For a one week of my uni midterms hoolidayyy despite on being bored at home which is my routines was like a jobless and watching kpop dramas lols...I've decided to meet up few of my loved one like wawa. 

I hardly to see my Bff because all of us are occupied with family and work. except me who still study *sighh.. so I came to NN  which is my perfect hideaway for now and future hehehe. I felt so peace in here. because wa always welcomed me with her bright smiles. like always.

wa and i enjoyed our time so much, we're talking about our future, marriage (ehmmm me mybe in 4 years after graduate) , work things, girlstuff  I think you dont want to hear about this. hahaha omg and I can't believe that we've been grown up and she's going to get married soon aminn I'd pray soo hard that she will finally meets her other half and soul!. love you wa**tears  

I think wawa influence me lot of my decision in my life. Only god knows how she impacted my life in positive ways, teaching me to respect, gratitude and love all the same time. I think I talked lot of my problems to her. I always said that "studies is hard, why am i take an engineering god it was hard, i think i fail test, i dont like the boy because he always flart blablabla and blahblahblah never end complaining..." but wawa always calm me and say the positive things that finally I regretting how much I always felt that I always greedy and had say no thankful to Allah. 

wa, She's one of those people who will pray for you and not feel the need to flaunt it all over the town. She's one of those who consoles you on a hard day without you knowing that she's had an even worse day than you.

I miss you already


Dear bestfrind

 You really are a diamond in the rough. 
Kind to everyone even those who hurt you, strong as no one will ever know, 
and just downright amazing, 
people around you should know how lucky they are. 
I know I am of the lucky ones. 
I wish you nothing but happiness and barakah in this life,
and especially in the hereafter.

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...