Saturday, April 23

Kepentingan Bestfriend Part I


Haa nak tanya ni? tak susah pun soalan dia. Apakah kepentingan bestfriend dalam hidup anda? Sila jawab.

For me. terlalu banyak kepentingan bestfriend dalam hidup saya. contohnya bestfriend lah yang saya akan call bila ada sharing bad or good stories or sharing my problem yang takleh nak diselesaikan sendiri, walhal, bukan nya diorang boleh tolong solvekan pun. 2x5 je pun lol. tapi tulah konsepnya, bestfriend adalah dari kawan rapat kita yang sudi dengar dengan ikhlas dan respond terhadap masalah kita. siapa setuju?

Lepas tu bestfriend ni kebanyakkan nya memang berkongsi minat yang sama. you know what i mean, mybe bestfriend kita, dia fans runningman juga, lepas tu kalau kwangsoo datang malaysia mesti bestfriend lah yang kita call pastu ajak teman jumpa kwang soo walaupun dari kejauhan je lolol. bestfriend adalah yang orang yang pertama dalam kepala kalau nak kemana mana sahaja. 

for me, i have a sets of BFFs in my life, that yang betul-betul rapat dan banyak kongsi banyak hal luar dalam, yang mana ada waktu saya sedih, gembira, gila etc. sebab kenapa i called as a sets? sebab as life goes on, dari sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah( which is i change school 2 times), my diplomas, working and now degree, i'm discover a different type of peoples that deserved to be called as bestfriend. 

haa ini adalah salah seorang my BFFs. Najihah. which is rapat gila since we're 13. kisahnya, last weekend tiba-tiba Najihah whatsapp me ajak dating jap dekat East Coast Mall, Kuantan. Me that time tengah buat essay 6 pages omaigoshh kejam gila lecturer i terus "okay, wait me for 1 hours", zappppp zapppp gunakan kepakaran bersiap dalam masa 15 minit dan terus berlalu pergi tanpa berfikir panjang tinggalkan essay 6 pages tuh. tapi sempat jugalah amik kawan dekat terminal bas lol terus terjadi 1 jam setengah. 

Sempat juga menyelesaikan misi mencari foudation code and makeup set yang sesuai untuk skin Najihah. okay antara kepentingan BFF adalah memastikan bestfriend kau rasa cantik dan selesa on her big day. (she's asking me to be her MUA on her big day)

Final Planning for her big day. Tak pasal-pasal aku  bidang terjun dalam bridal. Dari pemilihan warna, baju, pelamin, makeup semuanya ada lah sedikit percent aku menyumbang idea, well. that's use of bestfriends. gunakan bestfriend anda sebaik-baiknya hehehehe

Dear Najihah Salleh, i can't wait to meet you on your wedding day. I love you.

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, April 16



I didn't realised that i missed my post about my dearest cousin's wedding. to be honest i write it up but mybe i forgot to publish it hehehe.. . kak azah's wedding was beautiful, the foods, the sweets was super delicious. and finally i meet my  relatives thehehe because i rarely can meet them since majority of them staying at kedah. last time we have this kind of gathering was my sister wedding, emmmm.. mybe like 5 years ago sobsobsob..congratulations kak azah finally have tied the knots .

My families on behalf dad.. spot my dad he's the one wearing orange's batik

my cousin's part I

My cousin's part II

My annoying sibling

Thank you for reading

Friday, April 15

Fun night at neon light run


Last night my housemates and i decided to participated in the neon night run competition organized by UMP which is in conjuction with i-FINOG 2016 and in collaboration with KPTM, located at UMP, Gambang . that night was really fun and mesmerising i tell ya eventhou with a little rain before the run, but never mind. The road full of sparkling of light and glittering in tree and it's in everywhere, like everywhere! hahaha, it's soo exciting! we like omaigoshh let's take a selfie in here and there, oh don't forget there also!. of course we're not running that night just leisuring walk of 20km, filled with lots of gossiping, laughing like crazyyyh and having fun taking pictures with some strangers. haha we're trying to forget all the stressess and overloads of homework i think lol

Below half of the pictures of taken from my phone lenovo vibe and iphone5.  sorry for the low quality of pictures, the run in night day rememberrr.. 

Lights is everywhere gaiss

See the glowstick at my head, it's actually shining

my bae, missing dhia

haa baru ada dhia

Finally! we finished it...emm eventou being the last group haha

Thank you for reading!

Thursday, April 14

hello, it's me


where do even begin? oh gosh! I've been so busy with life I've completely forgotten you, my blog. Mybe i need some motivation to start blogging again. hahahahahahaha . just here is my life updated so far, busy with paper and test and project and quiz and presentation  emm what more, busy with one month left for final exam that means every submission need to be completed to be honest. then see ya 2nd year. alhamdulillah.

Oh here is another good news , guesss what???? mila, our darling is pregnant! im finally gonna be 'makcik'! hahaha . actually the real situation is , i missed the girls conversation thru whatsapp - she's already told us like 2 or 3 weeks ago -that time my body was too weak from fever, that im just sleeping at my bed, no phone, no food at all -and yesterday at night she shared at us what was her first trimester be like -and that time i was like omaigosshhh mila, are you pregnant???- she's like naaaa siapa lah daku pada dirimu.. lolll im sorry mila but i love you. ngee.. alhamdulillah of course im happpyyyy.. way too happyyyy. Mila, she's my bestfriend and like a sister to me. i think her life is totally perfect, got married to a loyal and gentleman husband, have a beautiful life and now allah gave her a beautiful rezki. alhamdulillah. I always adored her and her ways. but the sad thing is, i can't meet her, she's far away at jb meanwhile im stuck here at pahang. since i got no transport for now.

Thanks for reading! 

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...