Thursday, October 22

Dear Friends


Now I'm sitting at my lazy couch, just back from my classes yeayy..lately people (my dearies friends) keep asking me how to be motivated? how to keep positive, she or he always have like a first impression towards others people which is always bad thaught. I don't know why they've been asking me that type of question.. 

But, In my opinion

First and foremost is always keep positive.  

  Yesss I have my own issues, everyone does, but there are so many things in life to be thankful for. ins't??? Despite of having fast-paced and sometimes tiring days, my life is still really wonderful and I wouldn’t trade it with anyone’s. Just think the meaningful things happens for you in a day or mybe past even the smaller one. Just think of anything! like your work was stressful but lunch was really good, you've bought a new handbag last week, your son cooked a meal for you. anything! and of course, the positives have to outweigh the negatives, so three good vs one bad. Pretty soon, you will start to pick up the little happy things in your daily life and realise that the bads are never that bad.

Second things

Never comparing your life with others  especially those portrayed on social media, that they forget to just focus on their lives and really open their eyes to the beauty that God has given them. Look around and tell me there isn’t one thing in your life that you’re grateful for! Whether it be your children, or good health, or your wonderful husband, or having a job to pay the bills or just simply having a roof over your head, always remember that there are people worse off and that we are very very lucky. And I hope you are saying Alhamdulillah for everything too. Never compare your life to someone else’s because God has different paths set out for each and every one of us. At the end of the day, we’re all meeting at the same point.

Allah SWT has given us life, the life we're living, and is it 'nice' of us if we wished we can have another person's life?

Be grateful, that's all it takes.


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