Sunday, October 4

Let's not fall in love

haa cliche tak tajuk? malam ni nak tulis something yang jarang untuk aku luahkan di media sosial, facebook memang tak lah. blogger more private. I keep it only for myself. Lagipun siapa lah yang baca blog aku pun. nadaaa
My darls texted me, she's like one of my real sister sebab dah lama kenal, since sekolah Kelantan. kitaorang ni outsider (bukan dari Kelantan) so we became close, better than anyone. This not-so-important thing haunted me for a long time.  As she's from Kelantan tetibe she's remind me of HIM. Honest to speak I got this one-sided relationship, I think for over seven years old. means dari aku 16 until now aku masih suka dia eventho I'm that time in relationship lol. At that time, I adore him, too much, but this kinda adored feeling turn to love. Serious talk. Imagined, for over 7 years ive been loss contact almost with everybody, but not him. sadis gila. 
Like a song lyrics, ....." What you get when you fall in love? a guy with a pin, to burst your bubble. That's what you get for all your troubles...I'll never fall in love again...." 
I don't know why my heart is broken now padahal dah lama kan. Mybe I'm expecting something from him. Since he finished his studies and just back from london. I don't know. and I think further my study like an option lah untuk faces reality and mybe build me a new one. Change a new environment, friends, places is something that honestly quite hard for me. 
But, I think my life still have a long-long-long journey. Now, just focus for my bachelor 

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