Saturday, December 24

Random: Important to check your car before travel

Since this is just a short post, it is like a reminder for myself. I do forget a lot remember lol. please please always to check your car conditions especially when you need to travel in a long distance ( in my case Kuantan-Selangor-Kuantan ). 

Last night, I didnt know my battery already had a problem. I mean I already changed my battery like a year before. So it is impossible to change to a new one, isnt? luckily, my car broke down when I'm not driving on it, I mean someone borrow my car, then he got stuck at the middle of nowhere. far from ump, poor him bhahahaha. Feeling kesian tapi lawak sebab we're going to there, rescuing him, but we got stuck as well. Then my roomate, Sue called her man alhamdulillah everthings settle. #simptomforeveralone #ineedtogetaboyfriend 

This post is dedicated for us, as a woman, we must know at least a basic about car. Before travel, make sure to check under the car to see the obvious leaks. My car leaks of radiator, at first I didnt realised it until im at petrol station, when I saw there like a lot of fluid under my car. sobsob. Then please check your oil, coolant, check the brakes, lamp, tyres girls. 

Last but not least, please ensure that inside your car have all the emergency equipment and tools. You know like flashlight, jumper, screwdrivers, repair kit etc oh and spare tyre incase something happened with your tyre. Oh we have to know alittle knowledge of how to change a tyres at least. We cant even predect what will happens in future. So better to prevent than cure.  

Please dont be like me. lol

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...