Wednesday, January 4

Thought: 2017 and my resolution :)

Bismillahirrahmannirrahim and assalamualaikum.

So welcome 2017. Its no more 2016. I though I can updated my blog at the end of 2016 and started my new page at 1st January 2017 but the exam got in my ways. #finalexamdone pheww finally I'm done for this semester. 

whats happens in 2016?

It has indeed been a year filled with lots of good and bad, joys and sorrows and not to mention unforgettable memories that I sometimes wish I could erase, whilst some I wish I could retain forever in my heart. 

Ok, resolution time:

1)  To not waste my time. This is include of waste my time in searching soulmates, I mean I'll find it, I'm 25 but I'm not barely waste my time to find the wrong one lol. To be more productive in my study. Less sleeping. #Isleptalottoforgetmyproblem
2)   To care more to myself, parents, family, friends. To make my parents happy. To care about healthy food and exercise. To snack less and exercise more. 
3) To go to Umrah. This is my long-waiting-list that I always want it at end of year. like I want to be new persons. Oh gosh, there are lots of mixed feeling, unforgetful sins I've made in 2016.
4) Be a good and hardworking daughter, student, sisters, aunt, and be good to people around me. 

Fudgy Homemade Brownies

Assalamualaikum There's many reason why I love brownies. Because they were easy to make, richest in chocolate and you don't even ne...